Products in the category "Oil and Fats" are in high demand. Every day, government agencies announce new purchases in Prozorro for amounts ranging from several thousand to millions of hryvnias. All these announcements are available on, therefore users of our site can easily take part in them.
A public tender consists of the following stages:
A government agency publishes an ad in Prozorro, where it indicates what product and for what price it wants to buy.
Interested suppliers send their price proposals for the purchase.
An auction is taking place, in which the participant with the most favorable price offer wins.
As a result, an agreement with the winner of the Prozorro purchases is signed, according to the terms of which further cooperation will take place.
To participate in the tender, you will need to complete the following steps:
Register on the site or log in if you are already registered as a participant.
Find an interesting purchase on the search page. Optionally search for keywords and use additional filters.
Read the terms of the tender documentation – the files that the customer added to the announcement.
Apply for participation. In it, indicate the price for which you are ready to sell the goods, and add the documents required by the customer in the tender documents.
From this moment you become a participant in the public tender. Then it remains to wait for the auction (its date is indicated on the announcement page) and take part in it. To win, offer the most favorable price among all participants.
Each customer independently determines which documents suppliers must provide. These can be certificates from the sanitary-epidemiological service, etc. You can always find the exact list in the tender documentation, and for recommendations, read the article with the comments of the SmartTender lawyer.
Successful suppliers of this category earn from purchases from hundreds of thousands to tens of millions of hryvnia per year. Many of them also take part in food tenders such as: