This page contains all public procurement Prozorro in the category "Medical equipment and furniture". Each registered supplier can take part in them.
If you are in the business of supplying medical equipment and furniture, you can easily make public procurement your regular source of income. To do this, follow a few steps:
Register on the as a participant or log into your account if you are already registered.
Find an interesting tender for the purchase of medical equipment, and read its terms: price and tender documentation.
Apply for participation. In it, indicate your price offer and upload the documents required by the customer.
Take part in the auction. It consists of three rounds, during which each participant reduces or leaves unchanged their initial rate. The supplier whose price offer is the most profitable by the end of the auction becomes a winner.
In case of victory, you will only have to sign an agreement with the customer and fulfill the terms of the contract on time.
Since all government customers have different needs for medical equipment, each of them defines their requirements in the tender documents. Accordingly, there is no single list of documents required for participation. If you need help in analyzing the requirements of tender documents or preparing the necessary certificates, please contact the lawyers of for advice.
Like tenders for medicines, medical equipment is also an important item of government spending. Every year the state spends more than UAH 14 billion on medical equipment and furniture. The most successful suppliers in this category earn from 4 to 380 million hryvnias per year.
Representatives of both small and medium-sized and large businesses can successfully make money in this category since daily purchases for several thousand and hundreds of millions of hryvnias are published in Prozorro.
If you are engaged in the supply of not only medical equipment, you can pay attention to the following subcategories:
Medical supplies.
Personal hygiene products.
Equipment and accessories for autopsies.
All the listed tenders are held according to a similar algorithm. You can learn more about the full list of subcategories by opening the "Classification" filter on the Prozorro auction search page.