SmartCheckAI — artificial intelligence for analyzing tender documentation
SmartCheckAI — artificial intelligence for analyzing tender documentation
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Construction tenders

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Construction Tenders on

All Prozorro public tenders in the Construction category are collected on the site. Among them, the procurement of construction and repair work of various scales and complexity throughout Ukraine.


How to Participate in a Construction Tender?

To participate in a tender for construction or renovation at the tender platform SmartTender, follow these steps:

  1. Register on the site as a participant or log into your account if you are already registered under this role.

  2. Find a tender you are interested in. This page contains all current construction and repair purchases. Additionally, you can narrow your search by keywords, set up filters by customer name, price, location, or other parameters that are important to you.

  3. Open the page of the selected tender and carefully read the tender documentation. Pay attention to the timing and starting price, check if you can provide all the documents required by the customer.

  4. If everything suits you – apply for participation. In it, indicate the price for which you are ready to fulfill the terms of purchase, and also add all the necessary documents.

  5. Wait for the day of the auction and take part in it. The procedure consists of three rounds during which you and your competitors need to reduce or keep your initial bid unchanged. The winner is the one with the lowest bid at the end of the auction.

All construction tenders published in Prozorro may differ in the list of requirements. For example, one customer will ask to visit the site in advance, prepare specifications or perform other actions necessary for future cooperation, while the other will be satisfied with the above steps.


What Documents Are Needed to Participate in Construction Tenders?

To qualify for winning the tender, your company will need to prove that it meets the customer's requirements. A complete list of required documents can be found in the tender documents for the selected purchase, and an indicative list with comments from a SmartTender lawyer is available in the article “Documents for participation in construction tenders”.


How Much Can You Earn on Construction Tenders?

The "Construction" category is included in the TOP-5 largest state expenditures. Every day, Prozorro purchases construction and repair work for amounts ranging from millions to billions of hryvnia.

Successful suppliers of the category, depending on their size, earn from tenders from 10 million to 30 billion UAH per year. In total, in 2020, agreements were signed for UAH 292.5 billion, and only in the first half of 2021 – for UAH 188 billion. And all this is based on the results of public procurement Prozorro.

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