The Dutch auction (in the classical sense) is a type of auction, at the beginning of which the highest price per lot is announced, which gradually decreases; the participant who is the first to stop the price reduction becomes the winner. The auction is called Dutch because it is most often used in the Netherlands for the quick sale of flowers.
This type of bidding is used in the Prozorro.Sale system as an alternative to the English auction (on a higher bid), when it is difficult to determine the minimum market price of the lot. The decision is taken if the organizer has twice announced an English auction, and no participant has submitted to it. In this case, a Dutch auction is announced, and the minimum starting price is determined by the participants themselves. A similar procedure can be used for commercial sales on SmartTender.
First of all, an auction announcement is published on the electronic trading platform, which indicates the book value of the object – the maximum price, which will then decrease. On a specific date and time, the Dutch type of trading begins, which consists of three stages:
Public purchases are carried out according to a different algorithm – the reverse English type of trading. The starting price is indicated in the announcement of the electronic tender, and the participants submit their price proposals, which cannot exceed it. Further, during the auction, participants continue to reduce their bids, and the winner is the one whose price turns out to be the lowest.