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E catalog - Prozorro Market electronic catalog

Get all the benefits of the Prozorro Market today
For Suppliers
  • A new sales channel for your products
  • Access to 10,000+ public buyers
  • Quick registration and connection
  • Flexible sales commission – from 1% to 3%
  • A personal manager from SmartTender
For Customers
  • Fast procurement without tenders
  • Simple purchasing functionality
  • Wide range of competitive products
  • A personal manager from SmartTender
  • 5,000+ product suppliers
Popular Questions
What is Prozorro Market?
What can be sold in Prozorro Market?
How to sell products in Prozorro Market?
How to qualify for Prozorro Market?

Prozorro Market – All Features of eCommerce Format for Pre-threshold Procedures

Prozorro Market are designed to drastically improve pre-threshold procedures and increase their convenience. The intuitive and user-friendly format of the marketplace allows you to make orders as easily as in popular online stores.

Differences of Prozorro Market From Other Procurement Procedures

The Law of Ukraine “On Public Procurement” provides that all procurement in the amount of more than 200,000 hryvnias (1,500,000 for the procurement of works) should be conducted in the form of an auction Prozorro. Smaller purchases should be made according to the principles of public bidding. However, with small amounts, the tender format was too cumbersome, so a fundamentally new mechanism was required.

The format of the online store chosen for the implementation of E-catalogs provides for its preliminary filling with goods from suppliers. Accordingly, they submit an application for placement, are registered and qualified. This eliminates the need for checks before each transaction and much of the paperwork.

Procurement Algorithm in Prozorro Market Electronic Catalogs

To make a purchase in the Prozorro Market, the organizer needs to go through a simple procedure, well known to all users of online stores:

  1. Select a category of goods. The number of categories and product items will constantly increase as the relevant suppliers are connected.
  2. Find a product with the appropriate characteristics. In the Prozorro Market, the customer sees only the goods themselves and the delivery terms, but cannot find out in advance the supplier’s data.
  3. Choose a product with a suitable price. Suppliers are obliged to update prices in a timely manner, and for missing items – set "0".
  4. Add item to cart in the right quantity. After each addition, the customer can continue to search for the goods he needs.
  5. Complete checkout. After clicking the “Checkout” button, all the suppliers involved are automatically sent bids from the purchase organizer.

According to the rules of the electronic catalog Prozorro Market, the supplier has 48 hours to confirm the relevance of prices and availability of goods. Delivery is carried out within 7 days from the date of order.

Who Can Become a Supplier in Prozorro Market

Registered members of the can become suppliers to Prozorro Market. To do this, you must submit an application to the State Enterprise “Medical Procurement” (for medical goods) or the State Enterprise “Professional Procurement” (for other categories), by submitting its statutory documents. After qualification, the supplier can proceed to the placement of goods on the catalog through a personal account, guided by the relevant instructions.