When procuring goods on Prozorro Market, public customers first had to wait for the system to determine the winner, and then for the winner to confirm their willingness to enter into a contract. If things didn't go according to plan and the participant didn't confirm their willingness to enter into a contract, they had to wait again until the next candidate did so. This is a very irrational use of time, especially in martial law, when you need to react quickly and adapt to any changes.
But that's a thing of the past: now customers entities will be able to determine the status of a participant on their own. So, today we are going to tell you about the innovations in the procedure for quotation price request in the Prozorro Market e-catalogue, as well as review what has changed and the new algorithm of actions. You can learn more about other improvements in our previous article by following the link.
Previously, the organiser, having issued a quotation price request, waited for suppliers to respond, and the system would automatically select the winner. In turn, the winner had to confirm their willingness to enter into a contract. If this did not happen, the second-place candidate was automatically selected as the winner.
However, from September 1, 2023, suppliers will no longer need to confirm their readiness to enter into a contract or to withdraw. Customers will now be able to decide whether to reject a bidder, as well as to assign them the status of “Winner” or “Disqualified” after the end of the bid submission period.
This will help to increase flexibility for customers, allowing them to adapt to different situations more quickly and simplify the procurement process by reducing delays. This will be especially useful in emergency cases when the necessary goods need to be procured urgently.
The sequence of actions is not complicated at all. Do the following:
Fig. 1
And that's it! After that, the supplier acquires the “Winner” status.
Please note: disqualification of a supplier is an irreversible action!
To do this:
Fig. 2
After that, the status of the supplier changes to “Disqualified”. It should be noted that a participant cannot be rejected without justification: it is mandatory to indicate the basis for this decision and attach a supporting document. Only then will the decision on the winner be cancelled, and the customer will be able to consider the next candidate (the system automatically moves to the next lowest bid).
If you have any questions about the implemented improvements or would like to participate in procurement on the state marketplace for the first time, you can contact our support team at 0 800 75 10 10 or read our detailed instruction.