Almost all who are engaged in private companies, without knowing it, working in e-business. After all, so called companies that use in their work modern information technology.
E-business is the transformation of key business processes of the company through the introduction of modern information technologies, mainly Internet tools. These changes, as well as other innovations in the field of entrepreneurship, mainly aimed at improving the efficiency of the company. Thus, any organization that uses the capabilities of the web to communicate both internally and with external partners, a cog in the global e-business.
The first steps in business automation were made in the 70s of the last century, when there was a possibility of virtual data exchange. Some leading companies have used new technology to rid yourself of a huge number of papers and thus save both time and money. In the future, the technology improved, and there are the usual in things like e-mail, www-space, the first search engines and instant messaging services. It is now impossible to imagine a company that could do without the presence of the Internet - is that very small firmochki or PI do not need the information technology in the business.
At the same time, the principles of e-business related not only to the development of cyberspace, but also with links within the organization. Modern hardware and software systems allow you to manage large branched now as a single organism. Such an approach to doing business has a lot of advantages.