Organizers, who think about using the Prozorro Market online pre-threshold procurement store often ask the main question: is it possible to use the new service at all and is it allowed for legislation? But in fact, there should be no doubt in this regard, because the position of the Prozorro and the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade is unambiguous.
The Law of Ukraine “On Public Procurement”, namely, Part 1 of Article 2, states that the general principles for conducting tenders approved by this Law should be observed in the case of procurement for amounts that are less than the minimum for mandatory tendering in ProZorro ( the so-called pre-threshold procedures).
By the Memorandum of Interaction and Cooperation, the State Enterprise “Prozorro” in order No. 16 of April 22, 2019, approved the instructions for using electronic catalogs of Prozorro Market. Thus, suppliers and procurement organizers received a clear signal that the creation of the service is a logical continuation of the implementation of the ideas and philosophy of transparent public tenders.
In a letter of explanation dated July 8, 2019, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine notes that the use of Prozorro Market (electronic catalogs) is not only advisable for government customers, but also one of the strategic directions for reforming the entire public procurement industry. The full text of the letter can be found on the website of the Ministry.
The administration function was undertaken by two central procurement agencies:
ETP SmartTender provides access to the sub-threshold public procurement service Prozorro Market.