A week ago, the Prozorro State Enterprise launched a new platform for quickly meeting the needs of the state and resuming Ukrainian business during the war – Prozorro+. With its help, government customers can quickly buy humanitarian goods, and suppliers can sell their products through an electronic catalog without commission. You can read more in our news.
In this article, we describe how suppliers interact with customers on Prozorro+, and how to qualify and place your offers to work on the platform.
The purchase procedure through Prozorro+ can take place according to one of two schemes.
If the supplier of the desired product is on Prozorro+, the procedure is as follows:
If the suppliers of the desired product are not yet available on Prozorro+, the purchase proceeds as follows:
When the requirement is closed, the customer reports on contracts in separate reports or Prozorro+ report.
A supplier who wants to receive orders through Prozorro+ needs to join this platform – apply for qualification and publish their product offers.
Any business representative registered on the SmartTender.biz platform as a “Supplier” can work on the Prozorro+ platform. If you do not have such an account, go through a short registration at the link: https://smarttender.biz/en/registration/step1/.
To apply, follow these steps:
1. Go to the Prozorro Market page.
2. Check the box next to "Prozorro Market Qualification" and use the search bar to find the ad "99999999-9 Prozorro+".
3. Click the "Apply" button.
Unlike qualifications in Prozorro Market, here you do not need to provide any documents – just send an application. As soon as the platform administrator confirms your qualifications, you can start listing your products in the catalog.
To post offers, follow these steps:
1. Open your personal account by clicking on your initials at the top right of the page.
2. Open the section “Prozorro Market. Offers".
3. Click the "Add Offer" button.
4. Fill out the form for adding a product to Prozorro+.
Consider each field separately:
In the end, click the "Save" button to publish the offer.
The list of product categories available for placement is on the Prozorro+ page, and in this list. The catalog has already added 150 categories of high-demand goods, and it continues to be filled.
If you have any questions, please call our support team: 0 800 75 10 10.
Support your business and government by selling products on Prozorro+. Together to victory!