Half of the success in purchases and auctions is timely information about upcoming trades. One of the most effective ways to not miss interesting purchases is to subscribe to the site's e-mails. The main thing is to set it up correctly, based on your own needs and interests.
Please note!
On the site, it is prohibited to set up mailing to users with the e-mail domain ".ru", ".рф", ".рус", ".su". If your mailing address has exactly such a domain, enter another one.
Login to SmartTender.biz. To do this, click the "Login" button in the upper right corner of the page. Enter your data in the form and click the "Login" button (Fig. 1) or select "Authorize via QES/AES" or "Authorize via EHealth".
Fig. 1
If you don't have an account, you can create one by following our simple instructions on how to register with Prozorro.
Go to your account on SmartTender.biz. To do this, click on the circle with your initials in the upper right corner of the page and select "Personal account" (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2
In your account, select "Subscription settings" (Fig. 3).
Fig. 3
On the subscription setup page, you have the option to send a request to the SmartTender manager for assistance in setting up the subscription. To do this, click "Send request", fill in the field with a phone number, and click the "Send request" button (Fig. 4).
Fig. 4
Organizers who know your e-mail may want to personally invite you to participate in their auctions through the SmartTender.biz platform. You have the option to allow or deny receiving such notifications.
To do this, in the "Personal organizer invitation" block, set the switch to the desired position (Fig. 5):
Fig. 5
The function allows you to duplicate all your mailings to additional e-mail addresses. If you need this service, enter your e-mail address and click "Add" (Fig. 6). This way you can add multiple addresses.
Fig. 6
All addresses added for duplication will be displayed above this line. In the future, you can delete the selected addresses – for this, click on the "cross" next to them (Fig. 7).
Fig. 7
Setting up the "innards" of the mailing begins with this block. Here you define the procedures and how often you want to receive notifications by mail (Fig. 8).
Fig. 8
If you plan to sell goods, provide services or perform work, select the "For purchase" trade type:
If you plan to buy or rent property from the state or buy illiquid from commercial companies, select the "For Sale" trade type:
If you want to receive newsletters for all types of trades, click on each type of trade in turn and select the necessary settings.
Also, choose whether you want to find out about the fact of the publication of the tender. If you want, turn on the switch "Receive notification of publication".
Please note!
If the switch is set to "Do not receive notification of publication" (Fig. 9):
Fig. 9
Fig. 10
Adjust the periodicity of notification (Fig. 11):
Fig. 11
Please note!
Despite the set periodicity of the mailing, notifications regarding the publication of commercial bids for sale or purchase arrive instantly if at least one of the specified conditions is met:
The category tree allows you to configure the categories you are interested in to receive notifications about the publication of new tenders in them in the future.
The block consists of three sub-blocks (Fig. 12):
Fig. 12
Categories with a keyword found in the tree are highlighted in blue, and the found word is highlighted in bold (Fig. 13). If you select a category, it will be highlighted in green.
Fig. 13
The following rules apply in the category tree:
The sub-block on the right shows the number of purchases found for the keyword:
The table appears only after applying a word search.
The number of current trades is a hyperlink. If you click on it, the next tab opens a page for searching for bids with the procedures selected for this category with the status "Accepting offers" and "Clarification period" (Fig. 14).
Fig. 14
Additionally, you can add keywords to expand or narrow the selection of purchases you are interested in (Fig. 15).
Fig. 15
The search by entered keywords extends to:
The search is NOT performed by the name of the organizer and categories (categories are configured in the category tree).
The block "Inform in case of coincidence of trading on subject" will not be active, if you do not select at least one category in the category tree.
Choose one of the search options:
When adding negative keywords, trades that have the words you specified will be excluded from the search results (Fig. 16).
Fig. 16
For example, if you sell printer cartridges but do not provide service for them, you can add words such as "refill", "recovery", "replacement", "repair", etc. in the "Negative keywords". In this case, you will receive a mailing that is more adapted to your business.
If necessary, the list of negative words can be changed at any time.
You can additionally limit the list of tenders included in the mailing list by filtering out the extra ones according to the following details (Fig. 17):
After entering the region/city, you can additionally check the "Search also by delivery address" item (not available for commercial trades).
Fig. 17
The block allows you to set additional search parameters (increase accuracy and reduce mailing).
Select the desired switch setting "Do you want to receive trades of only the selected organizers?" (Fig. 18):
Fig. 18
If you choose the first item, you need to find the necessary organizers by USREOU or the name of the organization in the search field. If the second item is selected, it is not necessary to do this.
After adding organizers, you can further narrow the subscription settings for selected organizers. To do this, check the corresponding items (Fig. 19):
Fig. 19
At the bottom of the page, after completing all the settings, you will have the opportunity (Fig. 20):
Fig. 20
After clicking the "Check subscription settings" button, a period selection window will appear on the screen (Fig. 21).
Fig. 21
If you click "Get bids according to my subscription", the system will generate a report with purchases that match the following criteria:
The report can be generated in just 1 week. A fragment of the report with a description is shown in Fig. 22.
Fig. 22
In all columns of the report, there are filters with which you can select the necessary purchases. Tender numbers are hyperlinks that, when clicked, will open a page with detailed information about the tender.
Once you have finished setting up your subscription, click the “Save” button to save all your settings.
At any time, you can go back to the settings and adjust them or contact the SmartTender manager for help.
After completing the settings, you will receive relevant reports by mail. If you had set up the mailing with a frequency of once a day and received a letter with subscription tenders, but the day before you had reset the subscription – the report for this period becomes irrelevant, and when you click the "Download" button in the letter (Fig. 23), you will receive a notification from the system about a download error (Fig. 24).
Fig. 23
Fig. 24