The SmartTender platform has created its Academy for participants and organizers of electronic auctions. Now all the most relevant materials on working with the site will always be at your fingertips!
The SmartTender Trading Academy is a special training section of the site, filled with various useful materials for users of the electronic trading platform, namely:
Webinars. This includes recordings of training broadcasts that the site regularly conducts, including with the participation of invited industry experts.
Instructions for Prozorro Suppliers. Here you will find guidance on registering at the site, submitting proposals to state tenders and everything else related to participation in public procurement of products and services.
Instructions for Prozorro Customers. This section focuses on materials that will help to understand the organization of public procurement.
Commercial Bidding Instructions. This large section contains instructions for working with commercial tenders for the purchase and sale, both from the customer and from the supplier.
Prozorro.Sale Auctions Instructions. This section includes materials describing the use of the functionality of electronic auctions for the sale of state property.
SmartSign Digital Workflow Instructions. Here you will find instructions for working with the new digital document management service.
In the future, the Academy section will be regularly updated with new relevant materials that will help you understand all the intricacies of working with the site’s functionality using simple examples.
The purpose of this section is to help new users who are just starting to work with the Prozorro system (as a supplier or procurement organizer) and other services that our site provides access to. However, SmartTender Academy instructions will be useful for advanced users as well, as they contain detailed guides for most work tasks.